'Mental Fitness | 10 Signs of Resilience'

'Mental Fitness | 10 Signs of Resilience'
04:49 Feb 15, 2022
'As those of us in the central region of Malaysia head into another (partial) lockdown (Conditional Movement Control Order), there\'s palpable angst and frustration. But we\'ve been through this before and we got out of it. That\'s resilience. As Yasmin Mogahed reminds us, \"Resilience means you experience, you feel, you fail, you hurt. You fall. But you keep going\".  Here are 10 signs of resilience and self-reliance. Number 7 is particularly relevant in these highly uncertain times.   Being resilience and mentally fit doesn\'t happen overnight, just like going to a gym one time does not make us physically fit. It takes deliberate practice. And it\'s easier doing it with with a support system rather than going through it alone. If you need someone to talk to, to help you get through a difficult time, my team at @naluri_my are here to help: 03-8408-1748.  #resilience #mentalfitness #mentalhealth #emotionalwelllbeing #behaviorhealth #digitalhealth #digitaltherapeutics #naluri #positivelypersonal' 

Tags: mental health , resilience , digital health , mental fitness , emotional wellbeing , digital therapeutics , naluri , positively personal , behaviour health

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